You thought $200 lipstick and $15,000 24-carat gold, er, marital aids was as far as Goop could go? Au contraire, fellow truckers! Owner Gwyneth Paltrow has deigned to descend from whatever astral plane she lounges in to bless us with a new line of gifts for the discerning truck driver and/or their loved ones.
Steering wheel in need of a touch-up so you can face your fellow truckers without shame? Try a wheel cover of 100% cured Tibetan yak leather highlighted with 250 rubies and emeralds from the mines of Tajikistan, only $4399. Need a handless cell phone holder. Goop has you covered with one made from an actual mummified human hand from the Andes mountains, a steal at $7800. And for your sleeper cab, Gwyneth has a $1200 white-noise machine that lulls you to slumber with hours of the gentle murmurings of a Hollywood cocktail party at Jack Nicholson’s house.
Goop promises that the holiday catalog will also feature a boutique collection of silk crying towels for tax season.
*All the posts on this website are pure imagination of writers, and they never happened. They are here for fun purposes only and not to give you advice. Keep your smile and stay healthy. Do not read while driving! Listen to our podcast instead 🙂