1000-year Drought in the West Means Truck Radiators Must Be Filled With Drivers’ Blood

1000-year Drought in the West Means Truck Radiators Must Be Filled With Drivers Blood

Climate scientists have been voicing alarm over the water crisis in the desert southwest. From Colorado to California, a mega-drought of biblical proportions is forcing citizens and businesses to rethink how they go about their lives and what adaptations will be necessary. The trucking industry has been hit especially hard.

‘You can’t just stick a hose in your radiator and turn the spigot on full-blast anymore,’ said truck industry spokesperson Olivia E. Vaporait. ‘Hard choices have to be made. That’s why, starting next week, all drivers in this region will be required to use their own blood as coolant.’ Vaporait suggested an IV line straight from the driver’s non-shifting arm directly into the radiator when asked for specifics. If that proves impractical, hanging a pre-filled IV bag is also a solution.

‘Be sure to keep an accurate log of your fluid usage,’ she reminded us. ‘Nothing delays a shipment more than a careless driver reduced to a prune.’

*All the posts on this website are pure imagination of writers, and they never happened. They are here for fun purposes only and not to give you advice. Keep your smile and stay healthy. Do not read while driving! Listen to our podcast instead 🙂


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