Nick Cannon’s Unconventional Parenting Style: All 12 Children to Work for His Trucking Company

Nick Cannon's Unconventional Parenting Style: All 12 Children to Work for His Trucking Company

In a shocking announcement, Nick Cannon has revealed that his entire brood of 12 children will be working for his newly launched trucking company. The 42-year-old actor and television host, who has had children with six different women, claims that the reason he had so many kids in the first place was to create a family of truckers who would help him build his empire.

“I always knew that I wanted to start a trucking company, and I knew that I needed a lot of drivers to make it successful,” Cannon told reporters at a press conference. “So, I decided to have a bunch of kids and raise them to be truckers. It’s all part of the master plan.”

The announcement has been met with a mix of bewilderment and amusement, with many wondering how Cannon plans to train his young children to drive big rigs.

“I’m not really sure how that’s going to work,” said one industry expert. “I mean, you can’t just hand a 5-year-old the keys to a semi-truck and expect them to know what to do. There are safety regulations to consider.”

But Cannon remains undeterred, insisting that his children are up to the challenge.

“I’ve been training them from a young age,” he said. “We have a fleet of toy trucks that they’ve been driving around since they were babies. They’re practically experts already.”

Despite the skepticism, Cannon’s trucking company has already begun taking on clients, with several significant corporations reportedly signing on for his services.

“It’s all about family values,” Cannon said. “I want my children to grow up knowing the value of hard work and dedication. And what better way to do that than to have them driving big rigs across the country? I also know I can count on them never to ask for home time since they’re all family,” Cannon added with a chuckle.

Only time will tell if Cannon’s unconventional approach to parenting and business will pay off. Still, for now, his new trucking company is well on its way to becoming a major player in the industry

*All the posts on this website are pure imagination of writers, and they never happened. They are here for fun purposes only and not to give you advice. Keep your smile and stay healthy. Do not read while driving! Listen to our podcast instead 🙂.