Semi-Trucks to be Replaced by Full-Sized Trucks

Semi-Trucks to be Replaced by Full-Sized Trucks

In a statement released to the press, the CEO of Trucks declared he is ending a decades-long policy of buying semi-trucks instead of the full-sized version. “Honestly, we should have thought of this sooner. The website where we purchase new vehicles had the option of full-sized trucks for years. We just never considered clicking it.”

Most drivers welcome this upgrade in vehicle capacity. However, one trucker completely refused to drive a full-sized truck. “I think it’s all about tradition. My father drove a semi-truck, and so did his father before him. My great grandfather drove a semi-horse-drawn carriage, which was powered by a mix of horses and kids that got too big to work in the factory.”

These full-sized trucks will be able to carry twice the cargo, eliminating the supply chain issues plaguing the country for years. “Honestly, my bad.” The CEO of Trucks continued, “I’m not sure what else I can say.”

It remains to be seen if this move will pressure other industries to do the same. Will semisweet chocolate chips be replaced with fully sweet chocolate chips? Will all semicircles become complete circles? If so, these updated products will certainly be delivered by full-sized trucks.

*All the posts on this website are pure imagination of writers, and they never happened. They are here for fun purposes only and not to give you advice. Keep your smile and stay healthy. Do not read while driving! Listen to our podcast instead 🙂