Nebraska Wife’s DIY Skills Bring Homey Touch to Trucker’s Cab

Nebraska Wifes DIY Skills Bring Homey Touch to Truckers Cab

A trucker’s wife from a small town in Nebraska has put her DIY skills to use by decorating her husband’s truck with a homey touch. 

Caroline, 35, has been married to her trucker husband, Dave, for five years and often misses him while he’s on the road. So, she decided to bring a little piece of home with him by decorating his truck.

Using her knowledge of DIY projects, Caroline crafted a beautiful wooden sign with the words “Home Sweet Home” painted in a rustic font. She also added some cozy throw pillows and a warm blanket to the sleeper cab of the truck.

“I wanted him to feel like he was at home, even when he’s on the road,” Caroline said in an interview. “Plus, it’s a great conversation starter with other truckers when they see his truck.”

Dave, who has been a trucker for over 10 years, said he was hesitant at first but has grown to love his wife’s handiwork. 

“I was a little embarrassed at first, but now I can’t imagine driving without my little piece of home,” he said. “It’s also a great reminder that I have someone waiting for me back home.”

Caroline hopes her DIY truck decor will inspire other trucker wives to add homey touches to their husband’s trucks.

“I know how tough it can be to be away from your loved ones for long periods of time,” she said. “So, if I can help make their lives a little bit cozier, then I’ve done my job.”

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