New Football League Formed With All Players Driving Trucks on the Field

New football league formed with all players driving trucks on the field

This week’s press release has indicated that a new sports league will begin to play in the fall, combining football with a demolition derby, which promises to be a spectacle like no other: all players on the field will be driving specially-rigged commercial trucks.

The CEO of the new National Truckball League, Waylon Cashout, explained that most of the traditional rules of the game will still apply. However, the ball will be much larger. The quarterbacks will pass using reversed dump trucks with high-speed beds that can fling the pigskin over 100 yards. Receivers will employ powerline-maintenance bucket vehicles, while the defenders will try to block passes with fire department ladder trucks.

Already banned is spiking the ball in the end zone with post-hole-drilling augurs.

*All the posts on this website are pure imagination of writers, and they never happened. They are here for fun purposes only and not to give you advice. Keep your smile and stay healthy. Do not read while driving! Listen to our podcast instead 🙂


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