Truck-driving Witches Using Magic Spells for on-time Deliveries

Truck-driving Witches Using Magic Spells for on-time Deliveries

For a group of overworked lady drivers in Salem, Massachusetts, the answer to their scheduling problems turned out to be right in front of them: witchcraft.

Esmerelda Satanicus, truck driver and Dark High Priestess of the Eldritch Witch’s Coven of Salem, founded in 1634, explained, “All of us were squatting around the cauldron one night, swilling brewskis and throwing lizard entrails into the pot, as you do, complaining that our on-time rates all sucked. Then Maleficent Morbius said we should just work up a spell to fix the problem. Next thing you know, we were sticking pins into a blood-drenched dispatch schedule and chanting for the aid of the Infernal One.”

The coven’s drivers have had a perfect record ever since. Only once has there been a problem, when a flying Peterbilt caused an 11-car pileup on Route 129 near Marblehead.

*All the posts on this website are pure imagination of writers, and they never happened. They are here for fun purposes only and not to give you advice. Keep your smile and stay healthy. Do not read while driving! Listen to our podcast instead 🙂


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