Truck Hits Tree: to Driver’s Surprise, Tree Hits Back

Truck Hits Tree to Driver's Surprise, Tree Hits Back

A Jacksonville, Florida, a man got more than he bargained for when his truck hauling air fryers slammed into a large oak tree last week. To his shock, the tree hit back, denting the hood of his truck and totaling it.

“It was unbelievable. I’ve never seen anything like it, and I’ve been driving since I was thirteen,” the man, who wished to be called only Joe for embarrassment-minimization purposes, told reporters. “One moment, I was swerving to miss this beagle running across the road, and next thing I know, I hit this tree.”

The accident happened in a residential area, and Joe was going at a cautious speed when it happened. The impact did not even dent his truck, but that is not where the story ends.

“So I hit this tree and stop, beagle runs off, he’s fine- and then WHAM. A huge branch on this big old tree dips down, slams into my truck’s hood, and pops right back up like it never even happened. Except now the engine’s smoking, the thing is totaled.”

Police did not believe Joe’s story at first, but security video from a nearby home confirms it – after Joe’s truck hit the tree, the tree hit back.

There is no word from the insurance company yet, but Joe feels he has learned his lesson.

“I never want to hit a dog, but now I know I never want to hit a tree, either.”

*All the posts on this website are pure imagination of writers, and they never happened. They are here for fun purposes only and not to give you advice. Keep your smile and stay healthy. Do not read while driving! Listen to our podcast instead 🙂


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