In an Unexpected Software Breakthrough, Actual Over-the-road Drivers Installed on a Computer

In an unexpected software breakthrough, actual over-the-road drivers installed on a computer

Scientists at the Advanced-Budget Supercomputer Unit for Research & Development (ABSURD) announced today that a happy accident during cutting-edge research in drivers for quantum computer functions resulted in 2 long-haul truck drivers being uploaded to the hard drive instead.

Truckers Larry Muddle and Melvin B. Willdurd had just delivered highly-sensitive equipment to the laboratory. They were attempting to leave when they became lost in the maze of machinery and blundered into a particle field. The specifics are still classified, but Professor Jerry Atrick explained that it involved a lot of lasers, some plutonium, and a 1984 IBM 56k floppy disk.’ As a result, the two drivers were ‘dis-corporealized’ and uploaded to the supercomputer’s operating system.

‘It ain’t too bad,’ said Willdurd from inside the device. ‘I’m controllin’ the cooling fan, which is more control than I ever had over my loads and schedule.’

*All the posts on this website are pure imagination of writers, and they never happened. They are here for fun purposes only and not to give you advice. Keep your smile and stay healthy. Do not read while driving! Listen to our podcast instead 🙂


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