Real Reefer Trucks Hauling Real Reefers Are Smoking the Competition

Real reefer trucks hauling real reefers are smoking the competition

In the high-stakes world of legalized marijuana sales, keeping your product fresh in transport hit some potholes along the way, but the problem has now been solved: Reefer Trucks ™.

Grower Bud Bogart says, “We had to weed through many ideas to get here. In the end, it was a joint effort. Somebody wanted to call our operation Can-i-bus, but Reefer Trucks just clicked. We now have 420 on the road.”

One snag discovered that using Jamaican Rastafarian drivers resulted in a load loss of up to 80%. Another was that drivers kept tailgating Doritos trucks.

*All the posts on this website are pure imagination of writers, and they never happened. They are here for fun purposes only and not to give you advice. Keep your smile and stay healthy. Do not read while driving! Listen to our podcast instead 🙂