As Economy Crashes, Veteran Truckers Offer Advice “Be Sure to Wear Your Seatbelt!”

As Economy Crashes, Veteran Truckers Offer Advice Be Sure to Wear Your Seatbelt!

The markets are volatile, the political landscape is uncertain, the economy is still reeling from the pandemic, and everyone is wondering what is next? What is the best course of action?

Thankfully, a group of veteran truck drivers has the answer. The group, which calls itself W.H.A.T. or We Have Answers-Truckers, has just released a new P.S.A. to help people with their brand of market-proven wisdom.

“It’s easy,” W.H.A.T. President Terry Green says. “Just wear your seatbelt!”

While the advice sounds simple, W.H.A.T. knows this can be hard to understand and harder to implement.

“Any time my rig is unstable, or I think I’m gonna crash, I know the single best thing I can do is wear my seatbelt,” Green explains. “If it works for hauling two tons of steel plate up the Rockies in a blizzard, it’ll sure as heck keep you safe when your Amazon shares plummet. You won’t be going anywhere! Just stay put, keep your head down, and it will sort itself out. Eventually.”

While public safety authorities and economists are uncertain whether W.H.A.T.’s advice will hold for a long-term market collapse, they all agree on one thing: wearing your seatbelt is always a good idea. If you have one.

*All the posts on this website are pure imagination of writers, and they never happened. They are here for fun purposes only and not to give you advice. Keep your smile and stay healthy. Do not read while driving! Listen to our podcast instead 🙂