Congressional Drivers Drafted for Manure Removal Duty on Capitol Hill

Congressional Drivers Drafted for Manure Removal Duty on Capitol Hill

Chauffeurs for the limousines of members of Congress have been pulled off that duty and temporarily assigned to haul off the excess manure that the politicians have verbally produced lately.

Head of U.S. Capitol maintenance Charlie O’Dure said to a group of gas mask-wearing reporters, “Stinks, doesn’t it? The guys’ve outdone themselves the last couple of months, with hearings on guns and climate and budget and all. Seems like every time they open their mouths, I gotta put on hip waders. Our regular crew couldn’t handle the overflow. So we had to grab all fancy-pants limo guys and put them in dump trucks. Ruined their $300 shoes, but what you gonna do?”

The piles of political produce didn’t go to waste. After being removed from the hallowed halls of Congress, it was spread on the White House rose garden and the National Botanical Garden. Some were heaped on key streets to keep the mobs of tourists at a manageable level.

*All the posts on this website are pure imagination of writers, and they never happened. They are here for fun purposes only and not to give you advice. Keep your smile and stay healthy. Do not read while driving! Listen to our podcast instead 🙂


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