Amid their latest scandal, former royal couple Harry and Meghan Markle have found themselves in a rather unexpected career move. The two have reportedly joined the trucking industry and are now team drivers, delivering goods across the country.
“We are excited to embark on this new journey together,” Meghan said. “We may not be royals anymore, but we plan on becoming rock stars among the hardworking trucking community.”
According to sources close to the couple, they were forced to take on this new role due to financial troubles. “After their royal exit, Harry and Meghan found themselves in a bit of a financial bind,” said a close friend.
The couple reportedly underwent intense training before hitting the road, watching YouTube videos and following real truckers on TikTok. “It was tough at first, but we quickly got the hang of it,” Harry said. “We’ve already received so much publicity and expect to be on the cover of ‘Overdrive’ magazine.”
With their positive self-talk and beginner’s enthusiasm, Harry and Meghan seem ready to take the trucking world by storm. Who knows? We’ll see them at a truck stop near us soon.
*All the posts on this website are pure imagination of writers, and they never happened. They are here for fun purposes only and not to give you advice. Keep your smile and stay healthy. Do not read while driving! Listen to our podcast instead 🙂