Stop Signs Deemed Too Aggressive, Will Now Stay “Stop Please”

Stop Signs Deemed Too Aggressive, Will Now Stay Stop Please

Many say manners are dead, but that is not true in the small town of Bodega, Pennsylvania. The city council just ruled that a blunt “STOP” on the city’s stop signs is too harsh, and starting July 1, the city’s signs will read a much more reasonable, “Stop Please.”

“I just feel like I’m getting yelled at,” Doris Thatcher, a native of Bodega, told reporters. “Of course, I’m going to stop, but I don’t want it to feel like an order or an argument.”

Locals seem to agree, as the vote to change the signs was unanimous. The motion was put forth after one new driver, having just gotten her license, burst into tears at an intersection, holding up several other vehicles. When officers arrived on the scene, the driver told them, “I wish we could all just get along. Why are you mad at me?”

“Courtesy is at the heart of our town, and now our signage will reflect that,” Bodega Mayor Kurt Wertz said at the approval meeting. “We don’t raise our voices in this town. Ever”

He is not wrong: the city passed a speaking voice ordinance in 2015 that asks residents to keep their speech below a set decibel level or else face fines.

The new stop signs are currently in production. Meanwhile, the city council is considering making all red lights a soft pink for similar reasons.

*All the posts on this website are pure imagination of writers, and they never happened. They are here for fun purposes only and not to give you advice. Keep your smile and stay healthy. Do not read while driving! Listen to our podcast instead 🙂


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