Taco Truck Made Out of Actual Tacos Opens for Business

Taco Truck Made Out of Actual Tacos Opens for Business

In a first for the industry, a New Mexico taco truck has begun serving customers out of a vehicle constructed from authentic tacos, and the business is Caliente.

Rita Empalagoso says the idea came to her during a margarita party at her cousin Silvia’s bridal shower. “We were at the goofy point, with somebody asking if olive oil is from olives, then what is the Wienermobile made of, when it hit me. A commercial food truck can cost $80,000. What if I found a way to build my own for less and have the truck actually be the ingredients? So I called my Uncle Julio, a machinist, and asked if Auntie Rosalita still made her tacos’ extra firm’?’

The process is a proprietary secret, but Empalagoso hinted that it involves a sort of industrial papier’ mâché that is perfectly edible and safe. However, it does require a serious ‘intestinal commitment’ on the part of customers.

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