Truckers Can Make 42 Cents per Mile by Attaching Magnet to Bottom of Truck to Pick Up Loose Change

Truckers Can Make 42 Cents per Mile by Attaching Magnet to Bottom of Truck to Pick Up Loose Change

In a new effort to clean the roads and cut down on driver costs, trucking companies have decided to pay drivers by attaching a magnet to the bottom of semi-trucks to pick up loose coins left on the highway.

According to transportation experts, this high-strength magnet can attract up to 42 cents in change per mile, which is above the market rate for new drivers.

Although it was intended to pick up coins, the magnet has some unexpected side effects. It attracts things like rusty nails, belt buckles flung out the window in a fit of passion, and even hip implants. One driver was overjoyed to discover a hip implant attached to his truck at the end of a long journey. He said, “What a lucky find; I will need this implant in 30 years because this job does not give me any health insurance.”

Another driver collected enough pop tabs to win his daughter’s local school drive, which earned her respect and made up for all those dance recitals he couldn’t make because of work. The 6-year-old Sarah said, “Honestly, I don’t even miss my daddy anymore. I want him on the road more often so he can find more pop tabs.”

*All the posts on this website are pure imagination of writers, and they never happened. They are here for fun purposes only and not to give you advice. Keep your smile and stay healthy. Do not read while driving! Listen to our podcast instead 🙂