Trucking Industry in Disarray as Trucks Start Installing ‘Turbo Boost’ Buttons

Trucking Industry in Disarray as Trucks Start Installing Turbo Boost Buttons

The trucking industry was thrown into disarray as reports surfaced that trucks were installing “turbo boost” buttons. The new feature, which allows drivers to increase their speed for short bursts, has caused concern among safety experts.

“This is a real problem for us,” said a spokesperson for one of the major trucking companies. “We’re responsible for ensuring the safety of these trucks, but now they’re installing ‘Turbo Boost’ buttons. It’s like giving a kid a toy with a ‘breakable’ label on it and expecting them not to play with it.”

Some experts fear that the buttons could easily lead to reckless driving habits or even accidents if drivers become too reliant on the turbo boost feature. But many drivers are excited about the new feature, with one driver stating, “I can’t wait to try out the turbo boost button. It’s going to make passing other cars on the highway so much more fun.”

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