Emergency Braking Systems for Trucks to Include Ejector Seats, Suggests Fanciful Federal Proposal


In a preposterous twist on the usual transportation regulation news, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) has unveiled a novel solution to increase the safety of heavy-duty trucking. In addition to the standard automatic emergency braking (AEB) systems, a recent draft proposal jokingly recommends the introduction of ejector seats for truck drivers.

The FMCSA’s satirical press release suggests that in the case of imminent danger, not only would the AEB system halt the vehicle, but the ejector seat would also catapult the driver to safety, parachutes included. “Why should James Bond have all the fun?” quipped the FMCSA spokesperson, sending waves of laughter through the press.

The light-hearted announcement has tickled funny bones across the trucking industry. Social media has caught onto the humor, with hashtags like #TruckerBond and #EjectorSeatSafety lighting up feeds.

While the idea of ejector seats in trucks is obviously absurd, the underlying message from the FMCSA is sincere: Safety measures, like the AEB systems, are an essential part of protecting truck drivers and the driving public. As for the ejector seats, they’ll remain firmly in the realm of fiction and laughter.

*All the posts on this website are pure imagination of writers, and they never happened. They are here for fun purposes only and not to give you advice. Keep your smile and stay healthy. Do not read while driving! Listen to our podcast instead 🙂