Flat Tire Was Just Feeling Depressed

Flat Tire Was Just Feeling Depressed

A chronically flat tire has recently been reinflated after realizing its flatness was caused by a depressive episode.

In an exclusive, tell-all interview, the tire opened up about its mental state, “I was just feeling really worn down, I was TIREd of everything.” The tire went on to discuss how it would even try to alleviate its dower feelings by making meaningless purchases. “I went out and got myself some nice rims, but that didn’t help either. It still felt like I was just spinning my wheels.” Some of the tire’s friends tried to pump up, but others felt like they had to tread lightly around the tire. The tire continues to describe its difficulties “Just because I’m made of rubber, it doesn’t mean that I can bounce back so easily. But I’m glad that I got to air out my problems with my tire PSIchologist. It took the pressure off me.”

The tire is looking forward to enjoying its remaining days on the open road before retirement and inevitably getting thrown into a landfill. In addition to discovering that flat tires are caused by depression, PSIchologist has determined uncontrollable anger issues are the root cause of tire blowouts.

*All the posts on this website are pure imagination of writers, and they never happened. They are here for fun purposes only and not to give you advice. Keep your smile and stay healthy. Do not read while driving! Listen to our podcast instead 🙂


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