Oscars Add “Best Trucking Scene” in a Movie Category

Oscars Add Best Trucking Scene in a Movie Category

The decision came after years of complaints from the trucking industry about the lack of representation in Hollywood films. “We’re tired of being portrayed as the bad guys or the sidekicks,” said trucking industry representative Hank “The Tank” Thompson. “We want to be recognized for our important role in society.”

The new category will recognize the best depiction of a trucking scene in a movie, with criteria including accuracy, realism, and overall badassery. Rumor has it that the first category winner will receive a fully customized truck with their name emblazoned on the side.

Some of the top contenders for the inaugural award include the high-speed truck chase in “Fast and Furious 37: This Time, It’s Personal,” the heartwarming moment when a truck driver helps a stranded family in “Big Rig Hero,” and the epic battle between two truckers in “18 Wheels of Fury.”

Critics have mixed feelings about the new category, with some praising it as a long-overdue recognition of an underappreciated industry. In contrast, others worry that it could detract from the prestige of the awards.

Despite the controversy, the trucking industry is excited to have a seat at the Hollywood table finally. “We’ve been delivering the goods for years. Now it’s time for us to get some recognition,” said Thompson. “And who knows, maybe one day we’ll even have our own category for Best Trucking Movie.”

*All the posts on this website are pure imagination of writers, and they never happened. They are here for fun purposes only and not to give you advice. Keep your smile and stay healthy. Do not read while driving! Listen to our podcast instead 🙂