Truck Driver Adopts Truck on a National Pet Day.

Pet adopted

According to Mr. Seth Clevenger, his truck is the closest thing he ever had to a pet.
“It purrs like a cat, and it takes me around like a horse, plus it’s not awkward when I feel like going inside it.”
When questioned about the eternal dilemma between buying or rescuing, Mr. Clevenger was adamant: “Always go for a new one, unless you can’t afford it. If you can’t afford a new pet truck, if your credit score is as low as a Formula 1 car, then, only then, can you go for a rescue. You don’t know where the truck has been and what kind of trauma the previous owner put it through.

Did the previous owner take good care of it? Did the previous owner keep up with all the oil changes and revisions, and most importantly, did he love it as a dear pet? If he did, he wouldn’t be able to get rid of it.

With more and more pets being abandoned after the holidays, this wholesome initiative is sweeping the country. This national pet day is the number one topic of conversation among truckers, right after exaggerations about their driving skills.

A crowdfunding campaign has recently been launched to allow Mr. Clevenger to adopt his Peterbilt legally. He would change its name to Bella and put a lovely little pink ribbon around its mirror with the inscription: “If you see Bella coming at you at 90mph, move out of the way! She is playful but has trouble measuring her force. If found, please call Seth.”

*All the posts on this website are pure imagination of writers, and they never happened. They are here for fun purposes only and not to give you advice. Keep your smile and stay healthy. Do not read while driving! Listen to our podcast instead 🙂